  • British Naturalists Association

    Founded with the sole aim of promoting the study of all branches of Natural History and continues to do so to this day
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Chairman: Roy Stewart MBNA

Secretary: Catherine Artindale

Treasurer: Di Farrar MBNA

The contact address for this branch is:

The British Naturalists’ Association, 27 Old Gloucester Street, London, WC1N 3AX

Tel: 0844 892 1817
Or alternatively by E-mail: bnasouthyorkshire@gmail.com

Welcome to the South Yorkshire Branch of the British Naturalists. We have members from Sheffield, Barnsley, Doncaster, Rotherham, Wakefield and Derbyshire aged from early 20s to 70s. We are a very active group with our main aim to promote and study all aspects of natural history and have experienced naturalists leading our walks with specialities in most subjects including invertebrates, wild flowers, trees, and amphibians. Many of our monthly meetings are within the South Yorkshire area but we also visit other areas to study something different e.g. rare orchids, and we have extended field trips to different parts of the country e.g. Scotland.
We base ourselves in the village of Wentworth in Rotherham and have a close association with Wentworth Garden Centre where we do biological recordings in their Historic Gardens, having so far recorded over 700 species. This list is available to view below. We publish four newsletters each year which review some of our meetings and have articles written by our members, these are also available to view in newsletters.
We welcome new members so please get in touch with us email – bnasouthyorkshire@gmail.com and come along to one of our meetings, we’d love to see you.

follow us on Facebook BNA South Yorkshire

follow us on Twitter  @syorksbna

Results of seven years of species surveys conducted in Wentworth Garden Centre
Wentworth Garden Species List 2014-20